Monday, November 23, 2009

Ecologineers: Oscar Web Application

As we continue along working in bigger teams, we explore more and more on how to develop applications. For this assignment, my group from the previous WattDepot project got teamed up with another two man group. Just like my original group, we all worked perfectly together. We set up plans, delegated jobs and met up regularly. I had as much fun on this project just like the last one.

As for the project itself, it was very daunting at first to hear that were going to learn a new framework that were going to use for this project. Our professor repeatedly reminded us the importance of this framework during lectures and especially at the project screen cast. The reading (Wicket in Action by Martijn Dashorst and Eelco Hillenius) alone was a little hard to comprehend but just as other languages, you learn by doing it. We were given some example applications to show us how the new framework works. As we progressed on our project we quickly learned that Wicket wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be. It turned out to be straightforward. When we tried to implement Wicket with our code we had some small problems. One problem was actually merging the form and table page. We initially planned then delegated the two jobs to two of our people, one of them being me. When we tried to merge the two together we hit some snags where our Wicket tags were not being passed into the HTML tags. Another problem, which I think was a big one, is that our color tags won’t render the color. Since we ran out of time we just left it as is which instead of passing the HTML color it passes the color words instead.

Since we were introduce to Software ICU in the last project. We also implemented it for this project. From the look of the screen shot from above, our coverage was fair since we only had six test cases. Our devTime, Commit, and Build has some steep increase because even though we did the initial set up then met up regularly and discussed the plan, we didn’t actually started to code until weekend.

All in all I really enjoyed working on this project and not to mention with my group. I really got a feel on how to develop real word applications. This is also a good project to learn good sustainability practices since any user can download, run and use our application to help decide when to use or not use an appliance.

Our project site can be accessed here and our distribution file here.


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