Monday, April 19, 2010

Kukui Cup Billboard

Just after finishing up our gauge, we move on to a new project. We deviate from our usual Google gadgets and into something completely different, a status billboard. Our job is to create a status billboard of updates happening during the UH Dorm Energy Competition. Our current task is to create mock-ups of the type of information we want to display and to do some initial research on how we are going to proceed.

Here are some of our mock-ups.

This shows the Kukui Nut standing for participating dorms, its floors and its residents. It also shows the static title header and the ticker tape in the footer.

The contest prizes, tip of the day, and upcoming events. The today's event are meant to explain the who, what, where and when of the said event.

Besides creating mock-ups, we also did some research on the different things we're going to be using for this project. Since the billboard will be entirely web base, we decided to use javascript, html and css for ease of use. We initially decided on using Chrome to view our billboard in full screen after our initial testing with Firefox but we learned that our Firefox's full screen mode showed a little bar on top. So Jarret started looking around and found a plug-in for Firefox that fixes this problem and so we will be using Firefox instead.

Our goal for next week is to start implementing our mock-ups and any changes made to it. Our project hosting site can be accessed here.


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